

A Slack Bot to raise awareness on a topic

View the Project on GitHub Thomah/boothby


Project management

Wanna work on this project ? You’re welcome 😃

First of all, you need to know that each release is described with a dedicated Milestone and Project. Just pick an issue you’re comfortable with, assign it to yourself and move the issue inside the Project Kanban.

Any code modification should be done on a dedicated branch and when your modifications are ok (=tested a least on your workstation), just submit a Pull Request to another active member of the project. Be carefull with the description by adding every breaking change (environment variable to add, change of database structure, etc.).

When the Pull Request is merged, you can close the issue, move it inside the Kanban and pick another one.

If you have any idea, just propose them in the Issue page and don’t hesitate to ping someone of the team to discuss them 😉

Technical documentation

This site is just a formal presentation of Boothby. Every technical information (detailed architecture, data model, etc.) must be written in the Wiki. We’re still kicking off the project so please be indulgent with the lack of information.